For the sake of our children and their children we must face the reality of our situation. Damage has been caused to the atmosphere. The earth is getting warmer. Even if we take drastic remedial action now the warming process will continue for a while. Hardship will result.

Therefore, Reverence for Life today means:

- Preparing to help those most seriously affected by the conditions resulting from climate change, be they human or any other of our fellow creatures.

- Starting to set aside funds now and preparing vehicles for their fair distribution in order to build up resources and tools to help us to ‘weather the storm’;

- Preparing ourselves for an equitable sharing of essential, life-sustaining supplies and practicing simple living to make things go round.

- Using all technical and technological tools at our disposal for the common good, to help mitigate the damage caused and to assist the most vulnerable and infirm.

- Directing and encouraging creativity towards implementing and managing the transition away from the so damaging coal and oil-based systems to learning from the plant kingdom how to fully utilise and convert the energy of the sun.

Instead of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by the reality in which we find ourselves, let us look forward with enthusiasm to creating a better world for the generations to come after us. Yes, let us lighten the burden of our footprint on the earth, but let us also change it so that we leave behind us a better place, and we can feel proud that we have been there.

Reverence for Life UK is a registered charity in the UK. Charity No.1197043
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