Every donation made to Reverence for Life UK is gratefully received. You can be assured your donation will be carefully used to support our ongoing work in Tanzania with our charity partner VALITA. 

Examples of our current projects are: 

  • Sustainable Farming - Help fund the installation of a new solar power system to pump water to irrigate the farm. 
  • Training Centre - Help create jobs by setting up a training centre that teaches courses in Permaculture and traditional craft skills. 
  • Business Fund for Widows - Help widows to start their own small businesses to provide for their children, with a start-up grant and regular business training.
  • Water at Mbopo school - Give the gift of running water to the students and teachers at Mbopo school. We need donations to repair and maintain the water pump.


Reverence for Life UK is a registered charity in the UK. Charity No.1197043
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